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Oramor Brown Burmese Kitten |
Hi Sue, I just thought I’d give you an update on Queen again! She is gorgeous, she’s doing really well, (she has been keeping us entertained whilst we have been stuck inside with all this rain) she’s so funny! She still loves her cuddles and we will also find her curled up in the comfiest spots. We love her so much! Thanks, Alexa Wilkinson. Feb, 2025.
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Oramor Chocolate Burmese Kitten |
Hello Sue, Oramor Maggie Mae, Chocolate Burmese, is doing really well. I have been looking after my daughter’s puppy, she and Oramor Maggie play all the time. Like your profile on the Burmese says, I’m sure she thinks she’s a dog too. She has had us in stitches the antics she gets up to. Sharon Scott. Feb, 25
Thought you may like to see how much Oramor Giuseppina has grown. Regards Adriana Schulz. Dec, 2024.
Oramor Blue Burmese Maisy.
Miss Maisy, Blue Burmese, all grown up now Sue. She is such a precious
little girl. Just wanted to say merry Christmas to you and the family!
Ngari xx Dec. 2024.
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Oramor Blue Burmese |
Hi Sue! Oramor Toby, blue Burmese, is going so well and is so big now. He is a delight and has his little quirks like wanting to sleep between your legs and loves to be carried like a prince. We can’t be more delighted with him and love him so much ❤️Alison Fearby. Dec,'24.
Sue, just wanted to update you as our beautiful Oramor Jazz turned 2 last week.
She is such a delight. Super cheeky but so cuddly as well.
Proudly owned by Jacqui Worsley in Mackay. Nov, 2024.
Dear Sue, Just sending photos of our beautiful boy Oramor Chico. He turned 17 on 17th October and I turned 71 in August 😄. He has been well with just a few little ailments. Thankyou again for breeding the most beautiful cats. We live on a cane farm now outside of Ingham and he loves it here Cheers Sue and Keith Miller
I have recently rescued your Burmese Frankie from a cat rescue on the Gold Coast. I got his details when I changed the microchip into my name.
I had just lost my sixteen year old Brown Burmese and was heartbroken. I saw Frankie on Facebook who was identical to my old cat. I applied to adopt him and luckily was successful.
Why I am writing to you is to tell you what a truly beautiful Burmese you have bred. I have owned Burmese cats for the last fifty years. Both in Sydney and Queensland. My last two lived to 20 and 16 respectively. Frankie took a while to settle which any cat would but he is so affectionate. He accepted my chocolate Labrador almost instantly.
He shares his affection with both my partner and me. He is fun loving, playful, affectionate and a wonderful addition to our household. A typical Burmese, doing zoomies and opening the linen cupboard to take a nap inside! He is a delight.
I just wanted to thank you and reassure you that he has found a loving home. I have no idea why his previous owners surrendered him and I don’t judge them in any way as he has eased the heartache we felt on the loss of our beloved Coco.
If I live long enough, I will certainly only buy a Burmese from you.
Kind regards, Carolyn. September, 2024.
Sue, Oramor Samuel, Blue Burmese kitten is a little darling, full of life and mischievous. Thanks for this delightful boy. Maria McCarthy. September, 2024.
We are absolutely besotted with Oramor Lyra, she has such a sweet nature, she's very intelligent and loves a cuddle. I've honestly never met such a well behaved kitten. She is also just so beautiful. It all speaks volumes about how well bred the Oramor Kittens are! September, 24.
From Belinda. August, 24.
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Oramor Chocolate & Brown Burmese |
Hi Sue, Oramor Pixie and Oramor Mocha. Both are doing well and are such amazing fun. Bob, Sydney. 2024.

Oramor Macavity - A very Mysterious Burmese Proudly Owned By Howard Thrift |
Totally agree and support this statement. Our Burmese Oramor Tiger Lily is such a wonderful girl and our Siamese Oramor Stirling is the most amazingly patient, tolerant and amusing boy they both fill my heart with joy. Rachel Anderson. Melbourne. 2024.
Rachel, I have a Siamese girl who is the same - the most loving nature - would recommend Sue in a heartbeat. I can’t thank her enough for trusting me with one of her babies 💕
Raewyn Corsan. August, 24
Hi Sue! Oramor Toby is going so well. He is hilarious, LOVES his food, loves to annoy Stella, loves playing and cuddling. He follows Simon around and is his little buddy. I work from home on Mondays and Fridays and he is my helper on those days :) he shares his time between the kids - which annoys Ellie greatly, but he loves to sit on Gabriel while he’s on the computer (I think it’s a bonus he doesn’t move much-so is good for a little cat looking for warmth!!). He’s my mate early in the morning and at night when I’m watching TV. I think he’s also cottoned on to the fact I’m the giver of food. 😊 Attaching a pic of Oramor Toby with his most fave human.
Alison, Tamworth.
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Oramor Brown Burmese |
Hope your well, Thanks Alexa. May, 2024.
Hello Sue. It is with unbelievable sadness that I write to let you know that my beautiful Oramor Bailey Boy crossed the rainbow bridge on Saturday 6th. He was 17 years 7 months & was with me from 9 weeks of age. I have been beside myself with grief in the days since he passed but focusing on all the positives he has given
He was an amazing cat & loved by all who knew him.
Sue Conidi. 2023
Hi Sue, Oramor Lexi & Oramor Luna are delightful Burmese kittens. They have bought so much joy to the household. They are so placid and loving. Thankyou, Vikki Meyer. Jan, 24
Hi, this is Greg Woolstencroft. You sent two Oramor Burmese boys to us in Hong Kong in 2006. Unfortunately our blue boy (Oscar) passed away in December last year at sixteen. However our brown boy (Harry) is still with us at seventeen and still very well and looking beautiful.
We are now living in Cairns and life is going well. I have attached some pics of Oramor Harry & Oramor Oscar for your pleasure.
I do hope all is going very well with yourself and all your kitties. Oct, 2023
Oramor Burmese Kittens Ready for flight to Hong Kong
Oramor Burmese Oscar
Oramor Burmese Harry and Oramor Oscar
From Narelle Richards. Tinana, Qld
Hi Sue, Just a quick picture to let you know how Oramor Winston is doing. We are so pleased with him. Just another thank you. 2023.
Oramor Poppy
Words cannot express how delighted I am with “Oramor Poppy”. I have
had Burmese Cats for 30years and although they were all very special and much
loved “Oramor Poppy” is exceptional!!
Just look at that cute face and the well portioned body shape, with good
strong bones and nice wide paws. The cutest little tail is always
“upright” – so full of joy!!.
Oramor Poppy is highly intelligent, incredibly confident for such a little
kitten, and has the most affectionate, gentle nature. My three
grand-children at ages 11,9,5 don’t give her a moments peace when they visit –
she just loves the attention and affection. Not a scratch or a nip
no matter how well deserved.
I was initially apprehensive about a kitten, it is a 18/20year commitment. I
live in a very lovely unit on the 8th floor and live a busy life. Oramor Poppy
arrived fully toilet trained, very happy to sleep in her own bed (throughout
the night!!). Oramor Poppy enjoys her games with me, but equally enjoys
playing on her own with pompoms and Ping-Pong balls. She will take every
opportunity to find my lap and snuggle up, which I adore.
Oramor Poppy’s delightful personality and healthy active body are very much due
to the many, many years of learning Sue has devoted to her
It is a science, with an understanding of the importance of the breeding
process that is far more complicated that we mere “cat lovers” can begin
to comprehend.
I have many friends who are “Fur-Kid” devotes, and they are all besotted
with Oramor Poppy and will contact Sue when the next little treasure is needed
to brighten their days.
Thank-you again Sue – I am so happy with Oramor Poppy and willing to be a
referral to anyone who is fortunate enough to consider an “Oramor Kitten”.
Warm Regards,
Lyn Moore.
From Hong Kong, Oramor Burmese.
Hello Sue, Hope you are well. Just want to share with you the joy of the 8th birthday of Oramor Yee Fuk and Oramor Hoi Hoi on 30 April, 2023. They are the cutiest and sweetest flurry babies on earth to me and live in Hong Kong healthily and happily.
Happy birthday to their sibling Oramor Rocco, too.
Thanks Sue for bringing such sweeties to me!
Cheers, Sam Chan, from Hong Kong.
Oramor Brown Burmese Frankie
Hi Sue, Writing to you to give you an update on little Oramor Frankie. He had his first Vet appointment on Saturday and received a positive report! He in excellent condition. Personality wise he’s very curious and very independent! He receives lots of attention and lots of love and he’s settled in quite well!
He is a very beautiful cat; receives a lot of compliments on his beautiful eyes and seems like he’s going to be a big boy! We love him.
Best wishes, Paul Smart. 2023.
Hello Sue,
I lost my treasured Oramor Mr Truffles a few months ago (aged 10yrs).
He was chocolate ( a chocolate truffle 😹😻)
Oramor Mr. Truffles was the most extraordinary cat I’ve ever met, he rode on my horse with me & was obsessed with driving in the car! He even walked the kids into school on leash!
He was basically a dog in a cats body !
My Aunty has 2 Burmese & they are nothing in nature or confirmation like the Burmese you breed!
Oramor Mr. Truffles was everything a true Burmese should be & more!
Your undoubtedly one of the best breeders out there, look forward to hearing from you.
Warm regards, Leah Millican. 2023.
Oramor Vivienne❤️
Oramor Charlie
Proudly owned by Maria Anderson
Singapore - Oramor Muffin and Oramor Cookie.
"Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?"
It's me, Oramor Muffin!
Oramor Milo is absolutely stunning Sue! He loves his big bro Oramor Cosmo too. Has a beautiful mellow personality.
Proudly owned by Denise Purvis. 23/4/20
Oramor Fergus and Oramor Mirren
Oramor Fergus and Oramor Mirren receiving plenty of cuddles now we home.
Thank you.
From Kathy Ferguson, Townsville.March, 24th, 2020.
Proudly owned by Tony Marsh and Andy Clarke, Sydney. 20/4/20
Enough is enough. The global economy has taken a historic plunge over the past month. It’s time to consider a practical plan for protecting public health—while also allowing for a return to work and, hopefully, a revival of the economy.
Oh, who am I kidding? On behalf of cats everywhere, I’ll just say it: We want everyone out of the house.
It was cute for a while, but the party is over. We’re sick of this quarantine, shelter-in-place directive.
Sheltering in place? That’s a cat’s job. Cats invented sheltering in place—sleeping in the windowsill, the corner of the couch, the sock drawer in the closet and, if it gets a little too noisy, under the bed, eyes open, annoyed. Cats know what it takes to stay home all the time. We’re just tired of sharing our home with everybody else.
Have we liked getting snacks at unexpected hours? Sure. Is it nice to roll around on that warm laptop keyboard during Zoom calls? Sure is. Warm keyboards are heaven.
But it’s got to be too much. The other day I walked into the kitchen and saw someone standing in my 9 a.m. sun spot. So rude. That sun spot is only there for 15 minutes a day! We (sort of) love you, and appreciate the occasional pats on the head, but cats are not the most social creatures. Sure, there are some exceptions. You might have one of those cats who actually enjoys human company. Congratulations.
But the vast majority of us—
Sorry. Where was I? Right. The vast majority of cats are ready for you to get back to work. Or just leave the house for longer than 15 minutes.
Please consider it. Not for your country. For cats.
[With thanks to the human who originally wrote this and Erin for the photo]
Proud owners Andy and Tony, Sydney.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for Oramor Bassy - he was such good fun, and so naughty, and so exquisite, and I just loved him to pieces.
I didn't mind that Harry was his favourite, I only ever want my animals to be as happy as they can, and if that doesn't involve me, that's ok. I don't mean I don't care as such, but I want THEM to be happy - that's what I've given them a home for - the terms of that doesn't depend on me, it's what THEY want - and if they aren't happy, it's MY fault - not theirs. Thank God, that's never happened -
From Hong Kong.
Hello Sue,
I hope you remember me. I adopted Oramor Ella and Oramor Cleo from you more than 17 years ago and brought them to live in Hong Kong. We were doing just fine - both cats have been very healthy over the years and it looked like they would both go on forever but sadly Oramor Ella developed a twisted bowel. Sadly on 14th February, my son and I made the decision to let her go. Looking back now I just don’t know how I got through the following weeks.
Oramor Cleo is extremely healthy and, although I believe she misses her sister terribly, is getting twice as much affection and attention now. Apart from a few missing teeth, she’s still behaving like a kitten at times. She insists on sitting on my left shoulder or anyone’s left shoulder for that matter. She’s still very noisy and demanding.
I’m sorry to have to tell you of Oramor Ella’s passing but I felt you would wish to know. We have had more than 17 wonderful years with these two beautiful, adorable cats and hope to have Oramor Cleo for several more.
I hope all is as well as can be expected with you in these difficult times we are experiencing right now and I wish that you and your family stay safe and well.
With kindest regards
Sue Hadaway, Hong Kong. 1/5/20
----Oramor Rory
Oramor Rory enjoying life. 😻He’s such a beautiful boy we love him so much. 💕 I need a house full of Oramors.. 🥰Owner Mill Alpha.--------Oramor Raggie 🤣From Lisa McKeown.24th March,2020---------- Oramor Max& Oramor Seb
From Chris Hoskins. While Oramor Max was napping today, Oramor Seb was busy giving him a good bath ...he must have needed it! March, 2020Hi Sue Max and Seb not exactly adhering to our new social distancing rules---------------
Singapore-Oramor Cookie
Singapore - Oramor Muffin Proudly owned by Ruth and Brad and Aunty Junice. March, 2020
--------- Oramor Bodhi
Singapore - Oramor Muffin
From Ruth Carson, Singapore:Hello Sue, Oramor Cookie and Oramor Muffin are the two most spoilt kitties in Singapore and loving life here!------------From Margot McIlwain,WA. Oramor Burmese and Siamese fur-children surveying the damage after the storm. Cats and dogs checking everything at the front door.All in all lots to clean up but we are safe and we are thankful for that 😊 Dec. 2019--------Oramor Cosmo
From Jason Owen.Hi Sue, Thank you, Oramor Cosmo is pretty awesome and his best mate is a 20kg Staffy. February,2020.------------Oramor Mr.BEANSMummy's Boy
Proudly owned by Ashleigh Baxter. Feb, 2020
Owned by Ashleigh Baxter, March, 2020---------- Oramor Charlie
Proudly owned by Maria Anderson -----------Oramor Vegus & Oramor Viva
From Jo-Ann Adams.
These two😘😆Oramor Vegas turned 3 on Tuesday, Oromor Viva 5 on Saturday .How lucked we are! ❤️❤️Our beautiful fur babies Feb, 2020-------------Oramor PearlProudly owned by Pip Courtney, March, 2020---------From Hong Kong - Chinese New Year
These two😘😆Oramor Vegas turned 3 on Tuesday, Oromor Viva 5 on Saturday .
Oramor Yee Fuk and Hoi Hoi. Share with you the joy. :-)
Sam Chan.Feb, 2020
----Oramor EllaProudly owned by Edith North. Feb, 2020
Singapore - Oramor SteveProudly owned by Natalie Salord. March, 2020--Oramor Taylor December 25th 2019,Proud owners Andy and Tony
Singapore - Oramor Steve
‐-----------ORAMOR SHERIFF WALT & ORAMOR PEARLPROUDLY OWNED BY PIP COURTNEY, BRISBANE. =================Paris - Napoleon from Oramor
================== SINGAPORE - Oramor Stephane.
From proud owners Alban & Natalie Salord.
Hi Sue, Oramor Stephane, blue Burmese has settled really fast and gets on well with his big sister Lucy our Dog. Lovely little guy. Very well trained and friendly with everyone.
Kind regards, Alban.=================HONG KONG - Oramor Burmese and Siamese Kittens 
Proudly Owned By Graham Ford ===========
From proud owners Alban & Natalie Salord.
Hi Sue, Oramor Stephane, blue Burmese has settled really fast and gets on well with his big sister Lucy our Dog. Lovely little guy. Very well trained and friendly with everyone.
Kind regards, Alban.

SINGAPORE-Oramor Cookie and Oramor Muffin.
Happy 1st Birthday.
Proudly owned by Brad and Ruth Carson and Junice Liew.
Happy 1st Birthday.
Proudly owned by Brad and Ruth Carson and Junice Liew.
Singapore - Oramor Cookie, Blue Burmese
Oramor Vanilla Muffin, Lilac
Singapore-Oramor Muffin


December, 2019.

December, 2019.
Singapore - Oramor Cookie 


Owned by Brad, Ruth & Junice. Dec. 2019.
============= Christmas is so exciting for kittens. The Christmas tree 🌲🐾😺, the ornaments, the presents, the paper, the bags. Oramor Daenarys 💗 is in her element. 😂
Proudly owned by Lisa McKeown. December, 2019
Proudly owned by Lisa McKeown. December, 2019
Oramor Raggie is quite the model 🐾

=============== Oramor Maximilian and Oramor Sadie enjoying their breakfast... today marks 7yrs since Maximilian arrived with us in Darwin... what a cute little kitten he was and such a handsome cat he has turned out to be... thank you Sue!
======================== ORAMOR ELLA - HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY
Proudly owned by Enid North, Maryborough.Q=========================Oramor Inka
From Cathy Howe. Gympie. Oct, 2019.
Look what I found in my costume bag... 🐈.... she's a funny girl my Oramor Inka.. 💜.. she loves the prettiest of things..
Look what I found in my costume bag... 🐈.... she's a funny girl my Oramor Inka.. 💜.. she loves the prettiest of things..
Oramor Daenary
The look of trouble aka I didn't do it Mum, it was my brother
Oramor Daenarys has definitely settled in. 💗💜💙🐈🐾.Proudly owned by Lisa McKeown, Qld Oct, 2019.======================Oramor RoryOramor Rory.. 😻Proudly owned by Camilla Akers.===================ORAMOR JAZZ - BLUE BURMESE
16th December, 2019.
Owned by Mitchell Baxter & family, Maryborough, Q 5/7/19================ Oramor Thiha
Owned by Cheyanne Lavelle. 23/6/19
==============ORAMOR GRACIEHappy 2nd Birthday Oramor Gracie.Proudly owned by Enid North.21/6/19==========Oramor Vivienne
===============Hong Kong - Oramor Lycan & Oramor Coco
Oramor Lycan and Oramor Coco enjoying their life with Nick Marsh & Family Hong Kong. June,13th 2019.
-----------------Oramor Dame Edna
Oramor George
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October, 2019 |